Herzogia publishes research on the systematics, taxonomy, biogeography and ecology of bryophytes and lichens with mostly European distribution, though not exclusively. Articles are published in German and English.

    Herzogia is the international journal of the Bryological and Lichenological Association for Central Europe (BLAM) and publishes original research papers and short communications in German and English. It focuses on the systematics, taxonomy, biogeography and ecology of bryophytes and lichens with predominantly European distribution, or on species which are of general interest to members of BLAM. Herzogia is published in 2 parts per volume and year.


Print ISSN: 0018-0971

Current: Dec 2023 : Volume 36 Issue 2

BioOne Member Since: 2014

Frequency: Biannual

Impact Factor: 0.7

Journal Citation Reports® Ranking: Plant Sciences 216/238

Journal Citation Indicator: 0.21

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